Deborah Wilder, Ph.D.
Cobb County Georgia Fulton County DeKalb County Mental Health - Co-parenting Mental Health - Couples ADR - Mediator (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution Mental Health
Deborah S. Wilder, Ph.D. is a psychologist, divorce mediator, divorce consultant, parent coordinator and reunification therapist who has worked with individuals, couples and families in crisis for 35 years. Before starting her private practice 30 years ago, she worked in a private psychiatric residential facility for children and adolescents, a college counseling center, a county mental health center, and in a Veterans Administration Medical Center, where she specialized in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Behavioral Medicine and had the honor and privilege of working individually and in groups with veterans of the Korean War, the Vietnam War and Desert Storm. She has helped many people learn how to live happier and healthier lives, even in the face of great pain and hardship.
She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Georgia Psychological Association, DivorceTown USA, the Amicable Divorce Network and is a registered civil and divorce mediator with the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution. She served on the Board of Visions Anew Institute, a divorce support organization, and she is a member of PSYPACT which allows her to practice telehealth in 42 states in the U.S. Dr. Wilder’s extensive professional experience, as well as her own personal experience with divorce, has helped her to become a trusted advisor for those individuals and couples at all stages of their lives and relationships