William Smith
Clayton County Cobb County DeKalb County Fulton County Gwinnett County Paulding County Pickens County Georgia Cherokee County Mental Health - Co-parenting Mental Health (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR - Mediator ADR - Parent Coordinator Mental Health - Adults Mental Health - Couples
I am a licensed psychotherapist, registered mediator, and forensic mental health evaluator. I work with couples across the relationship spectrum, including discernment counseling (working with clients to decide if they want to stay together or separate), marriage therapy, and divorce mediation. I am a certified child custody evaluator and parent coordinator, a Level 3 certified Gottman marriage therapist, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. In individual therapy, I work with clients on how to improve their relationships, or work on processing relationship trauma, often times using EMDR. My individual therapy includes working with teenagers. I am located in East Cobb, Marietta, Ga.
I am a marriage and family therapist, registered mediator, trauma therapist, certified parent coordinator, child custody evaluator, and collaborative law professional.
Additionally, I own or co-own several healthcare and management consulting companies in Atlanta, and am proficient with business and personal finances.
We offer a variety of services to assist in the divorce process, notably:
- Discernment counseling - A model of therapy that is solely designed help couples gain clarity on whether they should reconcile or separate
- Gottman Marriage Therapy
- Family, Business, and Healthcare Mediation
- Coparenting counseling
- Forensic evaluations and expert testimony - specializing in child development, child custody, child and parental advocacy, and parenting plans
Please visit our website to learn more at www.atlmmc.com